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Mineral Raw Materials Pits Company Ltd. in Sobótka

Mineral Raw Materials Pits Company Ltd. in Sobótka

Strzeblowskie Kopalnie Surowców Mineralnych (Mineral Raw Materials Pits Company Ltd.) is well known and appreciated manufacturer of quartz and feldspar in Poland. On the basis of more than 100 years of experience in the production of raw materials our company offers products which meet customers’requirements and expectations. Ourmain clients are ceramics, glass and electrotechnical industry. The history of our company is inseparably connected with the extraction and production of feldspar raw material. The company started its existence since 1764, when the Prussian Porcelain Factory tested and confirmed the usefulness of the feldspar material from Strzeblów in ceramic industry. In 1908, Quarzspat Strobel GmbH company launched Strzeblów quartz-spar and since 1921 Strzeblów feldspar on the basis of neighboring feldspar deposit “Stary £om”. On the first of January the company was given the name Strzeblów Mineral Raw Materials Pits Company which operates till this day.On the 2nd of August 1999, the company was privatized in the form of worker’s leasing. Currently, the majority of shares is owned by our employees and their families. In the time of the privatization the company started its modernization and restructuring. The most important element of the modernization and restructuring process was the investment program. In consequence of the program the Company increased and exceeded its raw material base, performance, efficiency, improved product quality and environmental protection.The greatest success of privatization was the transfer of Company ownership to the partnership, which took place on the 5th of February  2003.currently the Company employs 132 workers. The Company’s work is based on the world’s well-known standards and internally developed procedures. The high quality of Company’s products was officially confirmed in 2005 with the Integrated Quality Management System Certificate according to ISO 9001:2000 i ISO 14001:2005.

The Company offers:

  • Feldspar grits and powders
  • Powdered quartz
  • Granite aggregates

The Company’s ambition is to build innovative enterprise using possessed resources and modern technology with consideration to the natural and work environment.  

The Company’s goal is to place our products in every ceramic industry